Speaker: Anastasia Kor is the Chief Marketing Officer at Choise.com. Anastasia conducted the community AMA to discuss CHO Staking, Interest accounts’ updates, our Ambassador Program and much more.
Choise.com recently released CHO Staking. Could you tell us in detail how it works and what are the benefits for the community here?
“CHO Staking is putting CHO tokens into a profit pool – simply locking, and receiving dynamic APY and additional benefits as a result. It is a super simple tool for everyone – even crypto novices – to start earning on DeFi.
How it works:
You connect your wallet (Metamask as the most common example) with some CHO on the balance of course, to the Charism platform: https://defi.choise.com and choose Staking tab https://defi.choise.com/staking. Then, enter the amount of CHO for staking, the lock-up period and confirm the transaction.
That’s all.
After you enjoy unlocked benefits such as increased APY and other rewards that may be claimed every month.
Not a complex option for earning.”
We understand the importance of your Seedrs campaign. How does it go? Can you share some insights and updates?
“As I’ve mentioned in the previous AMA, a lot of companies prove that a wider shareholder community is good for imposing best practice principles, whilst being very helpful to receive first hand feedback.
We’ve already raised 64% of the target, and the public round of Choise.com Seedrs campaign is not over yet.
I make no secret that we’ve planned a more speedy process but the economic situation and the current tough times for crypto have its impact on investors’ activity nowadays. Still, it’s time-tested that investments on the tough market bring the biggest returns after.
If you don’t mind, I will use this AMA option to tell everyone once again that it’s not too late to join. We’ve prepared special perks for investors depending on the investor category including higher interest rates, cashback, metal cards, VIP support service and others. I myself find them rather attractive.
Here they are https://choise.com/seedrs-perks
Will screenshot for everyone’s convenience.
We are sure: the company is well-positioned for the dawning Earn-on-crypto era. We plan to become one of the leading service providers of the crypto market and deliver on our full potential.
As it’s well stated on the Seedrs page: “We believe we are at the dawn of a new crypto-earning era, when people don’t just hold crypto and hope for a price rise, they look for ways to earn on their money. And we have built just the right tools to help them.
The campaign ends on Dec 7th – let’s see together what result we can get.”
Why were you not filmed in the Seedrs video?
“I really planned to but unfortunately, got my 3 years old daughter sick just on the day of filming. I do love my work and am happy to put a lot of time (and I mean A LOT OF TIME) into it but this time taking care of my family was top list priority.
Anyway, I don’t think that my absence made the film worse – Vladimir, Andrey and Austin made it great.
If someone haven’t watch it – it’s available right at the top of the Seedrs pagehttps://www.seedrs.com/choise”
What about the promo rates? Did they go down forever? Will you raise it some day?
“For now, the old promos are finished for Interest accounts in the Choise.com wallet. We’ve informed everyone in advance many times.
But users can still catch some sweet offers for USDT and USDC on the Charism platform.
If I were you, I would take a closer look at Web 3.0 Interest accounts. Charism still offers up to 16% APY in stable coins (but that’s not for long).
Of course, we are planning other promos. But I won’t tell you all at once – keep following.”
What are your plans for the Ambassador Program? Will you expand it and include more tasks?
“The Ambassador Program was launched quite recently and we continue to actively develop it and add new tasks for creative individuals like the one with memes.
All tasks are available here https://choise.com/ambassador and we are always open for your suggestions. You can use DAO to make a proposal for example if you have some ideas.
More challenging tasks will be added constantly, so everyone will find something to their liking.”
Will you issue your Visa cards in more countries? I want to order one, but my country is not supported.
“I am happy that we get questions about cards every AMA. This means that the product is needed and our efforts on expanding its geo are the right ones.
We are negotiating with different card providers and partners who could help us to expand the geography. We will definitely make some buzz in our social media after our cards are available in a new country. You won’t miss it, I promise.”
We saw the return of CRPT interest accounts. Why did you temporarily remove them and will you remove them again?
“Thank you for the question. And also thank you for being active in our DAO with this issue. The proposal about CRPT interest accounts return was approved and adopted.
In fact we didn’t plan to remove them for long. CRPT interest accounts are available in Choise.com App again and with extra duration periods added: 1 – 3 – 6 – 12 – 18 and even 24 months options are available.
We’ve also revised interest rates in accordance with the current market conditions. You are welcome to check them in the App.”
Why did you decide to hold a year-and-a-half contest? Meaning CHO price prediction here.
“This is really my favorite contest and we have different plans for pushing it in the near future.
2022 is already a great eventful year for Choise.com: rebranding, new token, new products, and we still have time to surprise you with smth else before the year ends.
When we launched the contest, we wanted to shake the market alongside with the opportunity for the crypto community to earn with us. $1,500,000 CHO Price Prediction is one of the biggest contests in the whole crypto world, you know?
Why do we choose to hold it for such a long time? That’s simple. In Choise.com we believe that every crypto holder should have an opportunity to participate and «earn more». Short-time contests simply won’t give us a room here. Not to mention that we have a great opportunity to promote $CHO during the whole contest and that’s what all our holders want, isn’t it?
Overall it’s a unique opportunity for the community to participate in a one-and-a-half-million-dollars contest — I guess that’s not something easy to pass up.”
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